There are steps you can take to improve your communication skills at your chamber of commerce.

The next time you attend a chamber of commerce event in your area, try the following steps:

  1. Do some research
    Research the different chambers of commerce to test your networking capabilities. You should be able to find a list of members online. This list contains the names of people you may already be dealing with. Contact them to see how they would benefit from attending these meetings. You’ll want to understand the expectations of the setup and social interactions before attending your first meetup.
  2. Participate in lighthearted discussions
    When you arrive and walk in, remember that you want your discussion to be cordial and focused on positive topics. It’s best if your conversations are centered on the business community and the scope of your company. Avoid being intrusive at meetings. Bring business cards to exchange personal information so that your contacts will remember you.
  3. Talk to different people
    Move around the room and talk to different people. Each member has been an influencer in the business community, so you can get a sense of their company and involvement in the community. Try to talk to 20 different people so you can get a variety of perspectives and know who you can get additional information and business from.
  4. Reach out to the contacts you’ve talked to
    Before you leave, thank the people who organized the event. Send an email to the contacts you spoke with the next day to express your appreciation for your conversation with them. You can demonstrate your interest in working with them, but it’s ideal to set up a separate time to meet if they are interested and available to talk to you.